Our Dojo
Barclay Academy Sports Hall

Walkern Road, Stevenage, SG1 3RB

07966 519860 / 07940 506474

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National Competition – June 2024

National Competition – June 2024 On Saturday 15th June, Stevenage Karate Club sent a group of students to take part in the JKA England National Championships at the K2 in Crawley. The annual competition is an opportunity for students to test themselves against students from different clubs within the association who are a similar grade

Grading – February 29th 2024

Club News – Grading (February 29th 2024) Thursday 29th February saw Stevenage Karate Club hold its first grading of the year at the Dojo. We were delighted to welcome Sensei Martyn King (5th Dan) to the club to oversee the examination and teach the first two lessons. Sensei Martyn travelled to us from his club

Presentation to Parents 2024

https://youtu.be/w2zt_ULpF2A The club was delighted to hold its first Presentation to Parents evening on the 11th January 2024 at the Dojo. It was an excellent night that was the culmination of several lessons work by the students in preparation. The night was split into two parts: Our white belts began the evening by showing off

Summer School 2023!

Summer School 2023! As August draws to a close, we reflect on another excellent Summer School held in 2023 at Great Ashby District Park. The Summer is always a quieter period for the club as our junior members enjoy well-earned holidays and rest ahead of a new academic year. This presents the perfect opportunity to

Welcome to the new site!

Unveiling the New Stevenage Karate Club JKA Website: Your Gateway to Martial Arts Excellence In an exciting leap towards the digital era, Stevenage Karate Club JKA is thrilled to announce the launch of its brand-new website! This online platform not only signifies a step forward in embracing technology but also reaffirms the club’s commitment to